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Invest | A Complete Guide to Investment – Types and How to Start Investing

A Complete Guide to Investment – Types and How to Start Investing


Are you a saver or a spender? This is the first question, you need to ask yourself when you consider approaching different investment opportunities. While, you must be wondering if managing rent, groceries, debt payments, and other expenses can feel attainable when you are just starting. But, when there is a spike in inflationary times managing monthly debts and overall budget can seem like out of pocket.

Don't worry, even the hefty spenders can easily manage to save and focus on financial gain for the long term. The step towards financial security is setting aside a small chunk of money from your monthly budget under an emergency fund to secure unexpected situations. Now, you have enough of an emergency fund with you, you can begin investing!

The common query most individuals have is what is investment? What is investment definition most specifically young investors have one common concern - how much to invest? 

We understand your doubts, making a first financial investment decision can be very challenging. From a detailed step of beginning an investment journey, concepts of investment, and how to navigate a varied complicated investment landscape this guide is catered to walk you through different aspects of investment to help you choose your preferred path. 

Let us give you a glimpse of the factors involved in this guide1111

  • What is Investment?
  • Why is Investment necessary?
  • Saving vs Investment
  • How much to invest?
  • How to begin the journey of financial investments?
  • Varied concepts of investment
  • How to research the best investment opportunities?
  • Tips for leading long-term investment journey
  • Begin your investment journey

What is Investment?

We know you are curious about exploring different concepts of investment, it is necessary to understand the investment definition and give a brief answer to what is investment, for your understanding. Investing is a vital method to earn more money while putting your money to work in testing time. 

In short words, investment refers to relinquishing spending money today to consume a huge amount of money tomorrow. Irrespective of your goals, investing money regularly can assist in increasing the amount over time as the value of the money invested grows. This is the reason why it is suggested by experts to start investing at an early age so that you have enough money secured to fulfill varied financial goals. 

Many young investors have concerns that they cannot afford to invest more money, well even if you can put $25 aside per week teen can start investing right away. Before you begin investing, remember there are a lot of factors involved in obtaining success in financial investments. To understand the importance, different types, research process and more keep reading. 

Why is Investment necessary?

Financial investment is simply putting your money to buy assets that have good potential to grow with added value in the future. You can choose to invest in a company by buying stocks, investing in real estate, or simply lending money to your friend for his or her start-up. 

Whichever path you choose, for investment, the goal remains the same - make your money grow to achieve your financial goals effectively. Let’s have a closer look at a few benefits that investing can offer you.

Builds Money for Long Term

There are various perks of investing your money but one of the excellent and attractive is securing your future. Investing is best for building a source of wealth for long-term goals. This is the reason why most investors involve Roth IRA in their retirement funding plan. Investors can take advantage of compound growth which refers to your wealth growth at an increasing rate. 

Helps you Achieve Financial Goals Rapidly

Investment is best for achieving long-term or short-term financial goals faster compared to saving money in a standard or low-interest saving account. 

While saving is equally important, and you should have a source for secured wealth, investment opportunities help in obtaining potential great returns that can speed up the timeline for achieving the desired outcome or financial goals. 

In addition, investing can be an ideal source for achieving all kinds of financial goals shortly. 

Safeguard Against Inflation

Investment is best for protecting or securing your wealth against inflation. Over the years, the value and price of varied services and goods tend to rise due to inflammatory pressures in the economy. 

.Survival for inflation can be successfully achieved via long-term investment, or else a decline in purchasing power through savings is mostly likely to be experienced over the years. There are a few investment opportunities or types that have the potential to keep pace with inflation or even outpace inflammatory times. In other words, it helps in maintaining the purchasing power of your invested funds. 

Stable investment options like gold, real estate, and more can be low-risk investing. While you can still find riskier securities as an ideal source for outperforming inflation. However, the stock market can dramatically underperform inflation through the stock market due to its high-risk rate. 

Having a diversified portfolio for investment with low-risk proportion assets can be a powerful strategy. If combined, all these factors even newbies can make successful investing even with high-risk rates through an appealing and strategic approach. 

Saving vs Investment

As per the survey conducted by Charles Schwab in 2019, 59% of Americans consider themselves under the savers category. Whereas, 56% of people were found living on paycheck to paycheck basis. 

This data underlines the importance of securing your money for the future, especially in times of inflation. While many individuals are conditioned that saving is the optimal method to create a source of wealth and achieve financial freedom. This is a myth, as saving is a great source of pursuing short and long-term goals. Whereas, investment aids in achieving these goals rapidly with a smart strategy. 

One of the major barriers to investment that pushes beginners away is the fear of losing their funds in larger amounts that obtain financial gain. Most individuals quote that, we earn our money with utmost hard work and we do not want to lose our money consumption, and experiencing financial loss may seem uncomfortable. This is the reason, most people are found depositing a certain amount of their income every month to an FDIC saving account. 

The problem with saving accounts is even though it secures your money, there is a guaranteed decreased value over the years. The low-interest rates of saving accounts do not pace up with inflation, which means the purchasing power decreases if we keep our money in a savings account for a longer time. 

How Much to Invest?

While investors enter into the market due to various circumstances and goals, the ideal method states that a newbie considering investing in the starting must put aside 20% of his or her income. This will allow you to gain accountable capital throughout your career feasibly. 

It is advised to allocate the money in the initial few months for building a robust emergency fund. Once you have a good amount of 3-6 months of odd expenses you can move towards investment opportunities.

Practice smart investing with appropriate research and approach, as your capital can multiply in coming years if you have invested at the right place. 

How to Begin the Journey of Financial Investments?

Starting a journey of investing can seem intimidating for beginners but it isn't that difficult. The key to successful investing is developing a significant strategy with sound research that can help you take preventive measures to secure a better future and build good wealth. 

If you think the first step towards investment is looking for stock market trends, then you are mistaken. You need to determine your goals for financial investments, risk factors tolerance, and more. 

Let’s delve deeper into the investment opportunities to help you achieve your financial goals successfully. 

1. Determine your Goal

What Is your goal? Are you investing in a retirement plan? Seeking to fund your child's education expenses or want to generate extra income for a better future? Whatever your goal is, sit down and list your priorities. Once you are sorted with your goals, you can start researching your deal investment method. 

2. Start Researching Varied Investment Sources

Here comes the main part, there are various options and types of investments from stock, bonds, and mutual funds to real estate. Every method has considered risk factors and potential return over a certain period, so you need to determine based on your income, family status, risk factors, and more which investment combination is ideal for you.

3. Decide your Tolerance for Risk Factor

A few investment types are more volatile, which means it has a higher rate of fluctuation with its growth. While, others may be known for stable options but have a lower rate of return, for instance, ETFs exchange-traded funds, index funds, IRAs Individual Retirement Accounts

Before you select your ideal source of investment, keep in mind the risk factor and tolerance to bear the risk determining your regular income and expenses. 

4. Select the Amount to Invest

Once you are ready with selected investment types and methods, it's your turn to decide how much amount you wish to allocate. A general rule suggested by investors is you must allocate at least 10% of your portfolio to stocks or bonds. 

When you diversify your portfolio, it helps in minimizing risk factors and maximizes the overall success in investing. 

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Varied concepts of investment

Newbies often get perplexed exploring different concepts of investments. While stocks, bonds, and mutual funds are the common pick by investors worldwide. Let’s discuss and understand what this investment type has to offer and which method can be your ideal way to build wealth. 

1. Stocks

Stocks are one of the most preferred investment options by investors worldwide. A sock is referred to buying a small part of the company in which you feel there is a potential for growth in the future. Stocks can be bought and sold in the stock market and the value or prices of the stock can fluctuate depending on the company’s performance and value. 

If you wish to succeed in stock investments, then you need to stay updated on the market trends and keep your portfolio updated frequently. For which you need to follow a few steps like:

  • Research a brokerage firm or company you wish to invest in
  • Analyze your investment account and stay updated
  • And lastly, create a diversified portfolio and invest in multiple stocks

2. Bonds

A bond refers to a loan that investors grant to a corporation or government. In return, these corporations offer you a certain amount of interest for borrowing money from you. Bonds are considered to be low-cost and have less risk compared to stocks. While the drawback of this investment type is it provides lower investment returns. 

How can one make the safest investments in bonds? It’s pretty simple, just follow these steps:

  • The step towards investing in bonds is to select a high-quality bond that has a good rating with credits. 
  • Since it is similar to stock investing, investors need to maintain a diversified portfolio and invest in different forms of bonds. 
  • And lastly, monitor the market to access the changes in interest rates and other trends. 

3. Mutual Funds

Mutual Funds have gained good attention from investors in recent years, while newbies get confused between Mutual Funds and Stocks. It is a library of different investment types like bonds, stocks, and other security-based assets. Expert investors tend to manage a mutual funds portfolio, and it can be an optimum method to diversify your overall portfolio. 

How can a beginner invest in Mutual Funds? Follow these tips for a smooth investment journey

Understand your financial goals: Determining your goals and understanding the risk tolerance is important before beginning investing in mutual funds. Decide whether you want to hold an investment for a longer period or shorter goals. However, it is advised to invest in mutual funds for a longer period to benefit from amazing returns. 

Thorough Research: Conduct in-depth research on the funds that you wish to invest in, and make sure it fits with your portfolio. Understand the account minimums that you can expect to match and the compound interest that you can expect to collect or obtain in return. Also, look for factors like fees, past returns, and expenses for the fund. 

Customize your portfolio: The experts usually advise you to customize or consider rebalancing your portfolio timely to allocate your desired assets. It helps you maintain the originality of your portfolio and hold you back from taking extreme risks. 

Make regular investments: To make the most benefit from mutual funds, consider investing regularly. You can make regular contributions from your bank account to benefit from dollar-averaging costs and overall compound interest. 

Stay updated: Lastly, don't forget to stay updated about market trends and information on varied funds in the market. And, monitor your accounts regularly, and make wise and smart investment decisions accordingly. 


Real-estate investment is considered to be stable and less risky compared to stocks. It involves buying a property outright or investing in a real estate investment trust. While real estate is a safer option with lower risk, it comes with the downside of fluctuating value for property and other tenant problems. 

To succeed in real estate investing, consider these factors

  • Research thoroughly about the local housing market. 
  • Consider working with a trustworthy real-estate firm or brokerage. 
  • Find methods and varied ways to add value to the property 
  • Get well-versed with property laws and regulations
  • Keep a constant track of investment and finance updates. 

How to research the best investment opportunities?

Since the market trends, methods, and investment style varies, there is no one size fit formula for conducting research. In the end, successful investing varies on your risk factors, financial goals, and more. 

However, you can start analyzing your current financial status and determine your short or long-term investment plans. Once you have clarity on your goals, you can start researching market trends catering to your preferred investment type. 

Sounds confusing right? Don't worry, we have listed below a few factors that can simplify your research procedure. 

Consider Online Research Platforms

Online research tools like market analysis and portfolio management can help you gain perspectives about the market. Ensure that you understand the fees of investment management before you start researching with these tools. 

Join Investment Groups:

The good part is some multiple groups and forums allow investors to share their inputs, ideas, and strategies with thousands of people. Beginners can take advantage of these groups and understand the basic strategies to get started right away. 

Consider Financial Publications:

reading varied finance books, magazines, and articles can keep you updated on trends and help you understand how the market works. 


Begin your Investment journey

We all know investment is best for building wealth with a great return. Though consider focusing on investing one thing at a time. Begin with one or two investment types, understand the market, and observe how it works for you and after a few months consider exploring more types. 

The highlight factor remains the research, it's the hero in the investment world. Until and unless you don't understand the fund or the market trends, don't take the risk of investing. Place safely in the initial months, and once you gain clarity, you are free to explore. 

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Frequently Asked Questions

How does the investment work?

Investment is the procedure of buying financial assets that have the potential of growing value in the future with suitable returns in the form of capital gains. Investors can buy or sell stocks depending on the value or prices of funds. 

When should I invest?

It is advised to buy stock or funds when the market is low if you are investing long-term. Buying stocks when the market is low can be beneficial because the prices for the stock would be low, and the chances of high return with increased value are high. 

How do I know the right time to sell the stocks?

Usually, there should be two main reasons for selling stocks, one when you need cash in the next few years, if you need money for a shorter period it is advised to not take the risk of selling high-valued stocks. 

Another appropriate time to sell your stocks is when you want to rebalance your portfolio, when one of the categories of your stock has spiked up, and others have not. Sell the assets of these classes and proceed further to buy assets from diversified asset classes.